Apocalypse cow ipa
Apocalypse cow ipa

apocalypse cow ipa

A little different take on a DIPA and I think they pull it off. I think you can almost get a milkiness to it along with viscous hops in the end of the beer. Being my third beer of my night this one is making my lips a little numb as I consume. 3 Floyds Apocalypse Cow Keg This complex, double India Pale Ale has an intense citrus and floral hop aroma balanced by a velvety malt body which has been. Sort of thin for a DIPA as is the carbonation. Towards the back end things get more floral and a little earthy. For the most part this is a quality DIPA, kind of sweet and malty with a good bit of juicy citrus hops. Not really bitter until you start swallow after the initial swallow. Three Floyds Apocalypse Cow by Keith AugThree Floyds Apocalypse Cow is an American Double/Imperial IPA that is augmented with lactose milk sugar.

apocalypse cow ipa

The hops are pleasant with floral and citrus playing nicely together and on your palate. Taste is sweet up front and through the middle with a bit of a mild middle - not really all that interesting. The back bone of sweet malts show through also. Citrus, pine, and floral are both there with the citrus being the front runner.


Lacing is really thick and sticky, leaving a nice coating on the glass.Īroma is hop forward like most of FFF beers. Three floyds brewing co brewery pub brewgene beer podcast archive three floyd s bbq street food at apocalypse cow bbq street food at apocalypse cow ipa lucille wine. With this different take on an IPA we have brewed an ale that is both pleasing to. This complex double India pale ale has an intense citrus and floral hop aroma balanced by a velvety malt body which has been augmented with lactose milk sugar.

apocalypse cow ipa

We bring beer in from all over the world, as close as Mexico to Europe and beyond. Apocalypse Cow Imperial IPA Three Floyds Brewing Beer Geek Nation: A Beer Advocate: A-Rate Beer: 99/100. Imported beers that we carry range from fine lagers, ales to every other kind of beer imaginable. If it is an American brand name then we’ll have it chilling for you.

apocalypse cow ipa

Time stands still for the retention as the foam just sits there and stares back at you. We know you won’t drink anything else, and we will keep the shelf stocked for you. Pours cloudy with a two inch, tightly packed, off-white foam. This is the last beer of the ones they have pictures on their site for that I have had to try.


FFF's are one of the top original craft brewery's that continually push the boundries of style and their minor runs are way more interesting than a bunch of others full efforts. There's something really unique about the taste and sort of refreshing for a rocket fuel brew. Not their best, but throughly enjoyable, original, and totally drinkable. A wee bit of lingering hop bitterness I could do without, but now I'm splitting hairs.ĭ: Love these guys, a Milk Imperial IPA, only FFF's pulls this kind of shit off. While the decision was revolutionary (almost the entire history of brewing, lactose has mostly been used in milk stouts), the beer failed to change the brewing landscape. Maybe it's me, but I'd never guess the alcohol level of 11% abv by the taste. 3 Floyds Brewing Company, in Munster, Indiana, a Chicago suburb, may have actually been the first to add lactose sugar to an IPA when they released their Apocalypse Cow in 2008. And this is a brew that could get a dude in trouble quick. The lacto is a background addition, makes the brew full and smooth without being overly pronounced. 11.0 ABV 100 IBUs This complex double India pale ale has an intense citrus and floral hop aroma balanced by a velvety malt body which has been augmented with lactose milk sugar. I enjoyed it, but I prefer my hoppy beers drier. Lot's of flavors of tree fruits and citrus lend together. Three Floyd's does Apocalypse Cow, a lactose-sweetened IPA. I think a big malt sweetness is coming, but it doesn't. FFF's signature to me is balance of complex brews, this has got it. A beer of udder destruction This complex double India Pale Ale has an intense citrus and floral hop aroma balanced by a velvety malt. S: Fruit, citrus, floral, toasty malt, amd something else. But I still got a case of Alpha King and a mixed pack of all different 22s (including Dreadnaught, Apocalypse Cow, and Arctic Panzer Wolf).A:Orangey, pale gold, slighly cloudy, big foamy, off-white head of medium retention. Once inside it's just a little window, the guy was VERY helpful and nice but unfortunately no Zombie Dust. They have a different entrance for beer purchase, with only one guy waiting at the door I was even more nervous. We drove from Grand Rapids to Munster.different time zones we had an extra hour. For weeks leading up to it Zombie Dust was on the 6 pack list, on and off each day, so I was very nervous if I'd get me a case or 2 if it were there.


They update their beer list everyday (on tap and for purchase). So many of their beers are very highly rated, most notably Zombie Dust. For beer nerds, Three Floyds is one of those MUST have beers. This was my most exciting/nerve racking stop of the whole trip.

Apocalypse cow ipa